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Zorawar Sidhu and Rob Swainston
Emma Webster
The Viewing Room
Maria Lassnig
Nicola Tyson
Roger-Edgar Gillet
James Little
Hiroki Tsukuda
Leyla Yenirce
Jorge Pardo
Kristin Walsh
Pieter Schoolwerth
Malcolm Morley
Maria Lassnig
Stefanie Heinze
Nikita Gale
Nicola Tyson
Multi-User Dungeon (MUD)
Simon Denny
Ross Bleckner
Raphaela Vogel
Time Travel
Isabella Ducrot
Derek Fordjour
Time Travel
Charline von Heyl
Tomoo Gokita
Austin Martin White
Cosima von Bonin
Thomas Eggerer
James Little
John Stezaker
Seth Price
Sean Landers
Yael Bartana
KP Brehmer
Samson Young
Hanne Darboven
An Apartment for Ghosts: ‘57–‘23
Rodney McMillian
Heimo Zobernig
Roger-Edgar Gillet
Emily Mae Smith
Corinne Wasmuht
Kahlil Robert Irving
Commonwealth and Council
Dana Hoey and Caitlin Cherry
Xie Nanxing
Sean Landers
Pieter Schoolwerth
Joe Bradley
Rezi van Lankveld
Allan McCollum
Zorawar Sidhu and Rob Swainston
Maria Lassnig
Ross Bleckner
Jorge Pardo
PAGE (NYC) at Petzel
Pieter Schoolwerth
Jon Pylypchuk
Hanne Darboven
Hanne Darboven, Wade Guyton, Allan McCollum, Stephen Prina, Samson Young
Pieter Schoolwerth
Works on Paper
Simon Denny
Joyce Pensato
Joyce Pensato
Thomas Eggerer
Derek Fordjour
Stefanie Heinze
Pieter Schoolwerth
Nicola Tyson
A Love Letter to a Nightmare
Curated Selection
Hiroki Tsukuda
Rodney McMillian
Private View
Troy Brauntuch
Jon Pylypchuk
Georg Herold
Walead Beshty
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Stephen Prina
Dana Hoey
Condo New York: Edouard Malingue at Petzel
Ross Bleckner
Strategic Vandalism: The Legacy of Asger Jorn’s Modification Paintings
Jorge Pardo
Adam McEwen
Dana Schutz
Seth Price
Sarah Morris
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Charline von Heyl
Condo New York: Nanzuka at Petzel
Christian Jankowski
Wade Guyton
Dirk Skreber
Sean Landers
Cosima von Bonin
Heimo Zobernig
Heimo Zobernig
Petzel at Nanzuka
John Stezaker
Jorge Pardo
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Thomas Eggerer
Keith Edmier
Joyce Pensato
Walead Beshty
Allan McCollum
Sarah Morris
Rezi van Lankveld
We need to talk...
Wade Guyton
Troy Brauntuch
Maria Lassnig
Simon Denny
Fine Young Cannibals
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Stephen Prina
Asger Jorn
Adam McEwen
Nicola Tyson
Robert Heinecken
Hiroki Tsukuda
Thomas Eggerer
Troy Brauntuch
Adam McEwen
Corinne Wasmuht
Cosima von Bonin
Dana Schutz
Jorge Pardo, Jon Pylypchuk, Dirk Skreber
Seth Price
Keith Edmier
Wade Guyton & Stephen Prina
Willem de Rooij
Charline von Heyl
Joyce Pensato
Yael Bartana
Sean Landers
John Stezaker
Allan McCollum
Walead Beshty
A Machinery for Living
Heimo Zobernig
Robert Heinecken
Robert Longo
Jorge Pardo
Wade Guyton
Sarah Morris
Thomas Eggerer
Allan McCollum
Charline von Heyl
Simon Denny
John Stezaker
Troy Brauntuch
Yael Bartana
Dana Hoey
Dirk Skreber
Wade Guyton Stephen Prina
Daniel Buren
Seth Price
The Feverish Library
Christian Jankowski
Dana Schutz
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Corinne Wasmuht
Stephen Prina
Joyce Pensato
Thomas Eggerer & R.H. Quaytman
Robert Heinecken
Simon Denny
Nicola Tyson
Nicola Tyson
Channel to the New Image
Willem de Rooij
Around the World Alone
Sean Landers
Cosima von Bonin
Stephen Prina and Wade Guyton
Maria Lassnig: Films
Heimo Zobernig
Seth Price
John Stezaker
Christiana Soulou
Maria Lassnig
The Space Between Reference and Regret
Stop Motion
Jorge Pardo
Thomas Eggerer
Dirk Skreber
Charline von Heyl
Christian Jankowski
Rezi van Lankveld
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Interim in Three Rounds, Round 3
Interim in Three Rounds, Round 2
Jon Pylypchuk
Interim in Three Rounds
Sarah Morris
Sarah Morris
Troy Brauntuch
Troy Brauntuch
The Audio Show
Dirk Skreber
Andrea Fraser
Group Show, Friedrich Petzel Gallery
Stephen Prina
John Stezaker
Georg Herold
Allan McCollum
Dana Hoey
Joyce Pensato
Philippe Parreno
Sean Landers
Cosima von Bonin
Corinne Wasmuht
Chris Hanson & Hendrika Sonnenberg
Matthew Brannon
Cornelius Quabeck
Troy Brauntuch
Keith Edmier
Heimo Zobernig
Micro-State Capacete
Seth Price
John Miller
Joyce Pensato
Charline von Heyl
Wade Guyton
Rezi van Lankveld
Thomas Eggerer
Jon Pylypchuk
Door Cycle
Lath Picture Show
Enrico Baj
Nicola Tyson
Philippe Parreno
Jorge Pardo
Sarah Morris
Andrea Fraser
Nader Ahriman
Stephen Prina
Allan McCollum
Matthew Brannon
Seth Price
Georg Herold
Jorge Pardo
Cosima von Bonin
Dana Hoey
Dirk Skreber
Philippe Parreno & Rirkrit Tiravanija
Corinne Wasmuht
Tobias Rehberger
Wade Guyton
Charline von Heyl
De Rijke de Rooij
Nicola Tyson
Maria Lassnig
Troy Brauntuch
Jon Pylypchuk
Grey Flags
Richard Phillips
Philip Parreno
Present Perfect
Keith Edmier
Thomas Eggerer
Allan McCollum
Dirk Skreber
Stephen Prina
Jorge Pardo
Troy Brauntuch, Keith Edmier and Richard Phillips
Sarah Morris
Charline von Heyl
Björn Dahlem
Philippe Parreno
Cosima von Bonin
Jon Pylypchuk
Nicola Tyson
Maria Lassnig
Michel Majerus
Nicola Tyson
Dana Hoey
Andrea Fraser
Sarah Morris
Jorge Pardo
Richard Phillips
Charline von Heyl
Philippe Parreno
Stephen Prina
Jon Pylypchuk
Allan McCollum
Tobias Rehberger
Charline von Heyl
Dana Hoey
Paul Myoda
Keith Edmier
Sarah Morris
Nicola Tyson
Real Stories II
Dana Hoey
Stephen Prina
Charline von Heyl
Allan McCollum
Sharon Lockhart
Tobias Rehberger
Paul Myoda
Nicola Tyson
Sharon Lockhart
Jorge Pardo
Charline von Heyl
Nicola Tyson
Jorge Pardo
Sharon Lockhart
Jorge Pardo