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Sean Landers


In his own words, Landers shows readers the world through his eyes, all misspellings intact. Through fame and misfortune, God and art, life and death, Landers leaves no anger unenjoyed, no sacred ground untrod, and no standing rule unbroken. Raw, eloquent and compulsively readable, (sic) is a daring and original book.


Author: Sean Landers

Publisher: Riverhead Trade, 1995

Language: English 

Softcover: 454 pages

Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 7.5 inches

ISBN: 978-1573225076


About the artist

Sean Landers (b. 1962, Palmer, MA)

Sean Landers is a painter and multimedia artist living and working in New York. Landers received his MFA from Yale University School of Art in 1986 and his BFA from Philadelphia College of Art in 1984. From confessions poured out in weblike formations on legal pads to revisions of Hogarth paintings and lonely clowns at sea, Landers’s artworks span an enormous breadth of subjects and touch on existential themes.  Landers has exhibited widely and had solo exhibitions at Le Consortium, Dijon, France (2020); greengrassi, London (2020); Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels, Belgium (2019); Ben Brown Gallery, Hong Kong (2019); Capitain Petzel, Berlin (2016); Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo (2015); Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, (2010); and the Kunsthalle Zürich, Switzerland (2004).

His work has been included in exhibitions at the Musée Magritte, Brussels (2017); ICA, Miami (2017); Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2016); Deichtorhallen Hamburg (2015); Museum of Modern Art, New York (2013); New Museum, New York (2013); DESTE Foundation, Athens (2013); Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa (2011); Hessel Museum of Art, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson (2011); Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2011); Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Germany (2009); Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams (2009); Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, France (2009); White Columns, New York (2008); Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland (2008); 4th Berlin Biennial, Germany (2006); and MoMA PS1, Long Island City (2006).

His works are included in public collections including the Tate Modern, London; The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Fundación/Colección Jumex, Mexico City; Sammlung Goetz, Munich, Germany; The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California; and The Brooklyn Museum, New York; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg; Seattle Art Museum, Washington; Denver Art Museum, Colorado; Walker Art Center, Minnesota; and The Kistefos Museum and Sculpture Garden, Jefnaker, Norway, among many others.