James Little
Oil on linen
32 x 42 inches
76.2 x 101.6 cm
Petzel is pleased to present the group show An Apartment for Ghosts: ’57–’23, on view from January 6th through February 18th, 2023, at Petzel’s uptown location, 35 East 67th Street. This group exhibition casts a dialogue among various of the gallery’s artists, old and new, to locate points of aesthetic and conceptual collision, and the mediating effects of their differing contexts. The show inches along the historic timeline from 1957, when Asger Jorn’s ceramic was made, to the present.
Artworks featured include those by Ross Bleckner, Joe Bradley, Troy Brauntuch, Keith Edmier, Tomoo Gokita, Stefanie Heinze, Charline von Heyl, Asger Jorn, Sean Landers, Maria Lassnig, James Little, Malcolm Morley, Jorge Pardo, Joyce Pensato, Stephen Prina, Pieter Schoolwerth, Emily Mae Smith, Nicola Tyson, and Heimo Zobernig.
Petzel Gallery is located on the parlor floor and third floors of 35 East 67th Street New York, NY 10065. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 AM–6:00 PM. For press inquires, please contact Ricky Lee at ricky@petzel.com, or call (212) 680-9467.