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Pieter Schoolwerth

Pieter Schoolwerth

Supporting Actor

520 W 25th Street

September 5 – October 26, 2024

Kristin Walsh

Kristin Walsh

The working end

35 E 67th Street

September 12 – October 19, 2024

Sarah Morris
Sarah Morris
Academia Militar 456 W 18th Street November 14 – December 21, 2013
Thomas Eggerer
Thomas Eggerer
Gesture and Territory 456 W 18th Street October 10 – November 9, 2013
Allan McCollum
Allan McCollum
Plaster Surrogates Colored and Organized by Andrea Zittel 456 W 18th Street September 6 – October 19, 2013
Charline von Heyl
Charline von Heyl
456 W 18th Street September 6 – October 5, 2013
Simon Denny
Simon Denny
All you need is data: the DLD 2012 Conference REDUX rerun 456 W 18th Street June 20 – July 26, 2013
Troy Brauntuch
Troy Brauntuch
456 W 18th Street May 10 – June 13, 2013
John Stezaker
John Stezaker
Nude and Landscape 456 W 18th Street May 10 – June 13, 2013
Yael Bartana
Yael Bartana
And Europe Will Be Stunned 456 W 18th Street April 4 – May 4, 2013
Dana Hoey
Dana Hoey
The Phantom Sex 456 W 18th Street February 21 – March 30, 2013
Dirk Skreber
Dirk Skreber
pain(t)ology and other trials 456 W 18th Street February 21 – March 30, 2013
Wade Guyton Stephen Prina
Wade Guyton Stephen Prina
456 W 18th Street February 15, 2013
Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren
ELECTRICITY PAPER VINYL... Works in Situ & Situated Works From 1968 to 2013 (Dedicated to Michael Asher) 456 W 18th Street January 10 – February 16, 2013
Seth Price
Seth Price
Folklore U.S. 456 W 18th Street October 26 – December 20, 2012
The Feverish Library
The Feverish Library
Organized in cooperation with Matthew Higgs 537 W 22nd Street September 6 – October 20, 2012
Christian Jankowski
Christian Jankowski
Discourse News 537 W 22nd Street June 21 – July 28, 2012
Dana Schutz
Dana Schutz
Piano in the Rain 537 W 22nd Street May 2 – June 16, 2012
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
Wade Guyton and Stephen Prina
535 W 22nd Street March 10, 2012
Corinne Wasmuht
Corinne Wasmuht
537 W 22nd Street March 1 – April 28, 2012
Stephen Prina
Stephen Prina
Painting 535 W 22nd Street February 18 – April 28, 2012
Joyce Pensato
Joyce Pensato
Batman Returns 537 W 22nd Street January 12 – February 25, 2012
Thomas Eggerer & R.H. Quaytman
Thomas Eggerer & R.H. Quaytman
Preludes 535 W 22nd Street January 12 – February 11, 2012
Robert Heinecken
Robert Heinecken
537 W 22nd Street November 10 – December 22, 2011
Simon Denny
Simon Denny
535 W 22nd Street November 10 – December 22, 2011
Nicola Tyson
Nicola Tyson
537 W 22nd Street September 8 – November 5, 2011
Nicola Tyson
Nicola Tyson
535 W 22nd Street September 8 – November 5, 2011
Channel to the New Image
Channel to the New Image
535 W 22nd Street June 30 – August 5, 2011
Willem de Rooij
Willem de Rooij
Crazy Repelled Firelight 537 W 22nd Street June 30 – August 5, 2011
Around the World Alone
Around the World Alone
535 W 22nd Street May 17 – 21, 2011
Sean Landers
Sean Landers
537 W 22nd Street May 6 – June 25, 2011
Stephen Prina and Wade Guyton
Stephen Prina and Wade Guyton
535 W 22nd Street March 31, 2011
Cosima von Bonin
Cosima von Bonin
THE JUXTAPOSITION OF NOTHINGS 537 W 22nd Street March 31 – April 30, 2011
Maria Lassnig: Films
Maria Lassnig: Films
535 W 22nd Street February 18 – March 26, 2011
Heimo Zobernig
Heimo Zobernig
537 W 22nd Street February 17 – March 26, 2011
Seth Price
Seth Price
535 W 22nd Street January 7 – February 19, 2011
John Stezaker
John Stezaker
537 W 22nd Street January 7 – February 12, 2011