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Rezi van Lankveld, Corner, 2024

Rezi van Lankveld

Corner, 2024

Oil on canvas

22 7/8 x 18 1/8 in
58 x 46 cm

(RVL 24/001)

I pour paint to make a “happening” in the painting, to make a line or block without touching it, so it can be pure, like a natural thing. Most important for me is that, in this way, I can create movement in the painting. I want to put the attention on this moment.

Rezi van Lankveld in conversation with Studio International, January 2017

Rezi van Lankveld -  - Collect - Petzel Gallery

Rezi van Lankveld (b. 1973, Almelo, The Netherlands) graduated from Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht in 1999. She lives and works in Amsterdam.

She has shown extensively throughout Europe. Her recent exhibitions include: Kestner Gesellschaft; Hannover; Museum voor actuele kunst; The Hague; Museum Kunst Palast; Duesseldorf; Diana Stigter Galerie, Amsterdam; ‘Interested Painting,” Gallery 400, University of Chicago; the ‘Prague Biennale 1’; and The Approach, London.

Her work is included in the collections of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; The Rabobank Art Collection, The Netherlands; The Art Collection of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago; the Zabludowicz Collection, London and New York. 

Schleper, Petzel Gallery, 2017, Installation view

Schleper, Petzel Gallery, 2017

Installation view

Schleper, Petzel Gallery, 2017, Installation view

Schleper, Petzel Gallery, 2017

Installation view

Rezi van Lankveld, The Approach, 2013, Installation view

Rezi van Lankveld, The Approach, 2013

Installation view